8 Untold Reasons Why Digital Marketing is for Engineering Students

8 Untold Reasons Why Digital Marketing is for Engineering Students

You cannot decouple the Engineers and the latest trend in technology. You may ask any engineering student, what do they like and you will find few things in common

-Engineers are creators

-They like researching and innovating

-They like experimenting

And they spend most of the time on the internet. However, we can’t deny the fact that today’s world is driven by the internet. We are becoming dependent on the internet for every small or big thing.

If you are a regular reader of our blog, by now you must have read at least once about statistics about how internet penetration and users are rapidly increasing. If not, you must read our blog on the importance of digital marketing where we have shared the detailed points on the internet penetration.

It is said ‘be where your audience is’, so this is what gave rise and huge acceptance of the digital marketing. And guess what, this has opened the door for some really dynamic jobs that require an entrepreneurial mindset.

Besides the obvious reasons let us tell you some facts to prove our point why digital marketing could be a lucrative career.

We all are aware of the Digital India – campaign by PM Modi which is encouraging digital platforms.

As per report published by IMRB – ‘Online advertising market in India is increasing by 30% year on year’

By end of 2020, every company has to be present on digital platforms and these companies will need experts

But Why The Digital Marketing is a Good Option for Engineers

#1 Add-on skill

If you think digital marketing is all about selling and pushing products or services to the customer, then you are wrong.

Digital marketing is more than that, though it ultimately aims at selling and conversion it involves a lot of research, analysis, and creativity.

According to one survey conducted, 80% of the engineering graduates are unemployed even after completing their apprentice. but on other hand you can do digital marketing after engineering without any specific requirement & get vast job opportunities in various companies in growing digital sector.

Digital Marketing for Engineers

Many people asks why digital marketing after engineering?. Well, it’s because Digital marketing course is not very time consuming, you can learn digital marketing while you are pursuing your engineering as it involves making your own website and then applying all the techniques to drive traffic to your website.

Therefore by the time you finish your engineering, you will have an additional project in your hand and you can easily get hired at a digital marketing company at a good package!

#2 More sources of income

digital marketing for engineers

Digital Marketing is a computer course which lets you earn money online legitimately. Not only you can proudly show your project and skills in your resume but learning digital marketing also opens up the door for you to have other sources of income while doing your regular engineering job.

Though digital marketing jobs don’t have rigid criteria, anyone can make a career in this field regardless of their educational background and age.

And you always have an option to work as a freelancer in these areas or any of your choice and interest.

#3 Healthy Work-Life Balance

What is the biggest advantage when you have a digital marketing job is that you can work from anywhere. The Internet is the backbone of this whole industry, hence you are location independent.

digital marketing for engineers

Moreover, You can travel and carry your work anywhere. Or, just stay at home do the household chores and also finish your work.

#4 Grow Your Idea

Every business idea is a solution to some existing problem. The Internet is again an untapped market, there is so much more to create and we have just started it.

digital marketing for engineers

Through digital marketing, you can support and grow your business. Marketing is the heart of any business, and today you can’t afford to ignore digital marketing. So for engineers who are planning a business in future digital marketing training is a must to go with. Digital marketing will help you to get in touch or reach your target customers in the lowest investment possible and will deliver the fast result that is measurable too.

#5 Digital marketing jobs share the same nature what any engineer cherishes.

If you like R&D, love creative problem solving like to play with data then this job is right for you. 

Other benefits of making a career in digital marketing that many people don’t really notice are,

#6 Today career in digital marketing is as respectable as any other careers are.

Many people want to feel proud of what they do and that is exactly what you can have by creating a lifestyle with it.

#7 You cannot ever stay unemployable if you have done this course.

First thing there is a huge gap today in the market for the skilled digital marketing professional. The second thing is going to grow more and more, therefore there are and will be ample opportunities for you.

digital marketing engineers

#8 Salary at entry-level also is great and can go over 8 lacs per annum after some experience.

Digital marketing opens up many possibilities for you and we can guarantee that you will never regret learning digital marketing. Because, after learning it you will get ample of opportunities for working for a company or you can also do freelancing and take projects on your own.


So, now I hope that you got all your answers regarding why digital marketing is for engineers. And, If you like this article please share it with your friends and If you have some question in your mind related to the digital marketing course or a training institute do let us know for further assistance!


Q1. Is digital marketing good for engineers?

Ans. Yes, Engineers can broaden their horizons of imagination and creativity by using digital marketing. The purpose of digital marketing extends far beyond product and service selling. It inherently requires creativity on every level.

Q2. Why did you choose digital marketing after engineering?

Ans. Engineers are ideally suited to Digital Marketing since they have a logical thinking process. Engineers do well in the research, creating, experimenting, and inventing process. As with engineering, digital marketing also allows you to extend your radius of creativity and innovation.

Q3. Can engineering student do digital marketing course?

Ans. Yes, the number of engineers in the digital marketing field is 7-8%, according to R&D. So, engineers can enroll in a digital marketing course and can learn effective digital marketing skills.

Q4. Can I do Digital Marketing after btech?

Ans. Of course, there is no problem in learning Digital Marketing after or while pursuing a BE/B.Tech or any UG/PG courses. Any aspirant who is enthusiastic to learn can join the course.

Picture of Parmveer Singh Sandhu

Parmveer Singh Sandhu

He is the Founder & Chief Mentor at Quibus Trainings. His story is an inspiration to many millennials. From being a physics teacher to founding two companies was not a piece of cake. Recently, he was awarded ‘Times Power Icon Award of 2022’ from ‘Times of India’ for his quality work in digital marketing training.
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